Fall Festival

Calvary Baptist Church 137 Hightower Rd, Ball Ground, GA, United States

Calvary`s Annual Fall Festival will be on October 30th starting at 6:30 PM! This outdoor event will have games, food, a hayride, parade, and prizes! We hope you will make plans to join us! This is a free event to attend! We hope you will come join us! Donations of the below listed items are […]

Calvary`s Drive-In Movie Night

Calvary Baptist Church 137 Hightower Rd, Ball Ground, GA, United States

Join us for our Drive-In Movie night on December 11th at 6:30 PM. It is going to be a blast as we watch a wintery movie! Concessions will be available, so you can watch the movie with your favorite snack. This is an awesome free event that the whole family will love! We hope to […]

Candlelight Christmas Service

Calvary Baptist Church 137 Hightower Rd, Ball Ground, GA, United States

Join us on December 20th at 6:00 PM as we take a moment to slow down this Christmas Season and remember. We will remember the true reason of Christmas, remember our past Christmases, remember loved ones, and remember to look for the joy and hope of this Christmas Season all throughout the year. If you […]

Parents Night Out

Calvary Baptist Church 137 Hightower Rd, Ball Ground, GA, United States

Parents can enjoy a night out on us this Valentine’s Day while your kids enjoy a night filled with pizza and games like Human Hungry Hungry Hippos, Nerf Battles, and more! The cost is FREE; we just ask that you register by clicking here. We can`t wait to see you on the 13th!   Covid-19 […]

Eggs & Bacon Easter Egg Hunt

Come join us on April 3rd for Calvary`s Eggs and Bacon Easter Egg Hunt at 10 AM! All are welcome! There will be breakfast, yard games, eggs, and plenty of candy starting at 10 AM! The Easter Egg Hunt will be for Pre-School through 5th Grade aged kids. We hope you will also join us […]

CBC Live! 2021 Camp Fundraiser

Calvary Baptist Church 137 Hightower Rd, Ball Ground, GA, United States

Join us on April 24th at 6:00 PM for a night of games, laughs, and supporting our Student and Children`s Ministries! This is an interactive Dinner Show for all ages with a silent auction and three course spaghetti meal. The cost to attend is absolutely free; however, we only have 100 spots open. Therefore, if […]

Mother`s Day Service

Calvary Baptist Church 137 Hightower Rd, Ball Ground, GA, United States

Don't forget this Sunday, May 9th, is Mother's Day! We hope you will join us for this special service honoring all the mothers in our lives starting at 10:30 AM!

Baptism Service

Calvary Baptist Church 137 Hightower Rd, Ball Ground, GA, United States

May 16th will be our Baptism Service. If you or someone you know would like to be baptized, please contact the Church Office during office hours. We would love to talk to you!

Graduate Sunday!

Calvary Baptist Church 137 Hightower Rd, Ball Ground, GA, United States

Join us on May 23rd as we honor our High School and College Graduates during our Sunday Morning Service! May 23rd is going to be even more special as our students will be serving during the service and we will also be hosting a church wide Graduate Breakfast during the Sunday School hour (9:30 AM). […]

Vacation Bible School

Calvary Baptist Church 137 Hightower Rd, Ball Ground, GA, United States

All Aboard for an exciting week of VBS! Join us for worship, games, activities, and more as we discover the power of Jesus Christ. VBS will be on July 19-23 from 6:00 pm till 8:00 pm. We look forward to seeing you there! Volunteers and kids can register by clicking here!